Sunday, April 26, 2009

yay for english!

Titus is an average teenager compared to others in his time. There dumb. His attitude is very negative about most things while Marty’s is more positive. The moon is stupid to them because they have been there so many times that it got boring. He believes what the feed tells him to believe. All the characters lives are controlled by the feed except for Violet. Violet is the only girl that’s life isn’t ruled by the feed because she got one when she was seven instead of having one when she was a baby so she knows what its like to live without one. She wants to be normal because who doesn’t? Normal is great!-sarcasm. That’s just what she thinks because there all crazy because the corporations control the fucking world! Its like my friend Mikayla who always wants to fit in. Normal is by there definition having a feed tell you everything about everything all the time. They don’t really do anything but shop and go to school which is owned by the same corporations that the shop from so they learn how to use there feeds.

I love erin!!!!!!!

The moon sucks apparently and its full of clubs and college parties. And hotels…

Dododododododododododododododo. Ok It’s a popular destination for young people because it’s the FUCKING MOON!!!! It’s a non stop party central! Owe owe owe! Ok im gonna do an easy one. The girls hair. They change there hair often because there girls and the feed tells them whats new in style and shit.

The interludes between the chapters are advertisements that are shot into there brains by the feeds. The y get adds based off of what they look at and think about and shit

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic\

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic

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